Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... by : Difficulty Assessment for Swedish Learners

How difficult is Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... for Swedish learners? We have performed multiple tests on its full text (freely available here) of approximately 12,338, crunched all the numbers for you and present the results below.

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Difficulty Assessment Summary

We have estimated Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... to have a difficulty score of 64. Here're its scores:

Measure Score
easy difficult (1 - 100)
Overall Difficulty 64% 64
Vocabulary Difficulty 72% 72
Grammatical Difficulty 57% 57

Vocabulary Difficulty: Breakdown


Vocabulary difficulty: 72%

This score has been calculated based on frequency vocabulary (the top most frequently used words in Swedish). It combines various measures of Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ...'s text analyzed in terms of frequency vocabulary: a plain vocabulary score, frequency-weighted vocabulary score, banded frequency vocabulary scores based on vocabulary of the text falling in the top 1,000 or 2,000 most frequent words, etc. Here's a further breakdown of how often the top most frequently used words in Swedish appear in the full text of Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ...:

Vocabulary difficulty breakdown for Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ...: a test for Swedish top frequency vocabulary

We have also calculated the following approximate data on the vocabulary in Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ...:

Measure Score
Measure Score
Number of words 12,338
Number of unique words 2,521
Number of recognized words for names/places/other entities 294
Number of very rare non-entity words 1,487
Number of sentences 2,224
Average number of words/sentence 6

There is some research suggesting that that you need to know about 98% of a text's vocabulary in order to be able to infer the meaning of unknown words when reading. If true, this means that you would need to know around 2,470 words (where all the forms of the word are still counted as unique words) in Swedish to be able to read Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... without a dictionary and fully understand it.

Grammatical Difficulty: Breakdown


Grammatical difficulty: 57%

Here is the further grammatical comparison on this text. You can find an explanation of all these scores below.

Measure Score
Measure Score
Automated Readability Index 7
Coleman-Liau Index 11
Type/Token Ratio (TTR) 0.204328
Root type/Token Ratio (RTTR) 0.0000165609
Corrected type/Token Ratio (CTTR) 0.00000828044
MTLD Index 52
HDD Index 66
Yule's I Index 76
Lexical Diversity Index (MTLD + HD-D + Yule's I) 65

The type-token ratio (TTR) of Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... is 0.204328. The TTR is the most basic measure of lexical diversity. To calculate it, we divide the number of unique words by the number of words in the text. For example, for this text, the number of unique words is 2,521, while the number of words is 12,338, so the TTR is 2,521 / 12,338 = 0.204328. However, the TTR is a very crude measure, as it is extremely dependent on text length. The longer the text, the lower the TTR is usually going to be, since common words tend to often repeat. Especially since the number of words in this text is more than 1,000, the TTR is not likely to give an accurate measure.

The root type-token ratio (RTTR) and corrected type-token ratio (CTTR) are measures which were suggested by researchers to partially address the problem of TTR's variance on text length. In the RTTR, the number of unique words is divided by a square of the number of words (therefore, 2,521 / (12,338 * 12,338) = 0.0000165609), while in CTTR, it is divided by a square of the number of words, multiplied twice 2,521 / 2 * (12,338 * 12,338) = 0.00000828044). However, these measures are not as easily readable, and also there is a growing body of research asserting that CTTR and RTTR do not effectively address the problems of text length. Therefore, while we do provide the full text's TTR, RTTR and CTTR on this page, these fiqures do not form part of our final calculations.

The Automated Readability Index (ARI) is one readability measure that has been developed by researchers over the years. The formula for calculating the ARI is as follows:
Formula for calculating the Automated Readability Index

The ARI should compute a reading level approximately corresponding to the reader's grade level (assuming the reader undertakes formal education). Thus, for example, a value of 1 is kindergarten level, while a value of 12 or 13 is the last year of school, and 14 is a sophomore at college. The current ARI of this text is 7, making it understandable for 7-grade students at their expected level of education.

The Coleman Liau Index (CLI) is a similar index designed by Meri Coleman and T. L. Liau, and it is supposed to compute the grade level of the reader (thus, for example, sophomore level material would be around grade 14, or year 14 of formal education, while kindergarten / primary school level material would be close to grade 1 in the CLI). The CLI is usually slightly higher than the ARI. The CLI is computed with this formula:
Formula for calculating the Coleman-Liau Readability Index

It is notable that other indexes exist, such as the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease, Gunning-Fog Score, and others, but we have chosen not to include them, since, contrary to the ARI and CLI, such other indexes are based on a syllable count and therefore arguably only work for English and not Swedish.

We compute a further compound lexical diversity index, which should range from 1 to a 100 (with the standard deviation being around 10, and its average value being around 50) - it is 65 in the present case. The compound lexical diversity index consists of the following indexes, averaged out (and also provided in the table above):

  • the Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD) index - a measure which is based on computing the TTR for increasingly larger parts of the text until the TTR drops below a certain threshold point (around 0.7 in our case) - in which case, the TTR is reset, and the overall counter is increased; the counter is at the end divided by the number of words in text; as a result, the MTLD does not significantly vary by text length;
  • the Yule's I index (based on Yule's K characteristic inverted) - an index based on the work of the statistician G.U. Yule, who published his index of Frequency Vocabulary in his paper "The statistical study of literary vocabulary"; Yule's I takes into account the number of words in the text, and a compound summed measure of word frequency;
  • the Hypergeometric Distribution D (HD-D) index (based on vocd) - an index which assesses the contribution of each word to the diversity of the text; to calculate such contributions, a hypergeometric distribution is used to compute probabilities of each word appearing in word samples extracted from the text; then such distributions are divided by sample sizes and added up;

Our overall measure of grammatical diversity is based on a combination of the compound lexical diversity index (which includes the MTLD, Yule's I and HD-D indexes), the ARI and CLI, all normalized and given certain weight. The score should normally range from 1 to 100. In this case, the score is 57.

Other Information about Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... by

We provide you a sample of the text below, however, the full text of the Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... is also available free of charge on our website.

Sample of text:

§ 4. 1. När fordon stannar i trafikled, vilket ej får ske onödigtvis, skall det, om annan plats ej blivit eller vid tillfället varder av polismyndighet anvisad, ställas längs körbanan och så nära vidliggande gångbana som utan olägenhet för trafiken å gångbanan kan ske. 2. Fordon skall undvika att stanna mot trafikströmmen. Måste dock detta ske, får körbanans vänstra sida ej lämnas förr än nödvändigt. 3. Fordon får icke uppställas eller stannas a) i vinkel mot körbanan, b) mitt i körbanan, c) framför trafikledsmynning, d) i trafikledskorsning, e) så långt fram i trafikledshörn, att hinder eller olägenhet därav uppstår för dem, som skola färdas om hörnet, eller så att gångbanan spärras. Icke heller må fordon ...

Top most frequently used words in Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... by *

Position Word Repetitions Part of all words
Position Word Repetitions Part of all words
1 av 292 2.37%
2 eller 248 2.01%
3 och 236 1.91%
4 för 223 1.81%
5 som 219 1.78%
6 att 213 1.73%
7 med 158 1.28%
8 skall 145 1.18%
9 till 137 1.11%
10 den 125 1.01%
11 är 114 0.92%
12 om 109 0.88%
13 automobil 102 0.83%
14 Mom 91 0.74%
15 där 86 0.7%
16 ej 82 0.66%
17 automobilen 82 0.66%
18 icke 76 0.62%
19 75 0.61%
20 det 68 0.55%
21 befallningshavande 58 0.47%
22 57 0.46%
23 vid 57 0.46%
24 Konungens 56 0.45%
25 samt 54 0.44%
26 automobiltrafik 53 0.43%
27 denna 52 0.42%
28 sådan 48 0.39%
29 de 47 0.38%
30 fordon 46 0.37%
31 från 45 0.36%
32 en 39 0.32%
33 37 0.3%
34 enligt 36 0.29%
35 kan 36 0.29%
36 trafik 36 0.29%
37 motorcykel 36 0.29%
38 sig 34 0.28%
39 vara 33 0.27%
40 tillstånd 33 0.27%
41 annan 32 0.26%
42 varom 32 0.26%
43 län 31 0.25%
44 mot 31 0.25%
45 förare 31 0.25%
46 skola 29 0.24%
47 besiktning 29 0.24%
48 än 29 0.24%
49 28 0.23%
50 körkort 28 0.23%
51 hos 26 0.21%
52 dock 26 0.21%
53 sådant 25 0.2%
54 utan 23 0.19%
55 ägaren 23 0.19%
56 körbanan 23 0.19%
57 under 23 0.19%
58 eljest 23 0.19%
59 fall 23 0.19%
60 någon 22 0.18%
61 10 22 0.18%
62 förordning 22 0.18%
63 15 22 0.18%
64 han 22 0.18%
65 varje 22 0.18%
66 föra 22 0.18%
67 efter 22 0.18%
68 inom 22 0.18%
69 yrkesmässig 21 0.17%
70 vad 21 0.17%
71 två 21 0.17%
72 registrerad 21 0.17%
73 väg 21 0.17%
74 har 21 0.17%
75 sätt 21 0.17%
76 riket 21 0.17%
77 sägs 21 0.17%
78 trafikled 21 0.17%
79 kilogram 20 0.16%
80 andra 20 0.16%
81 vare 20 0.16%
82 plats 20 0.16%
83 äga 20 0.16%
84 vars 19 0.15%
85 besiktningsman 19 0.15%
86 ävensom 19 0.15%
87 myndighet 19 0.15%
88 genom 19 0.15%
89 annat 19 0.15%
90 anmälan 18 0.15%
91 hemvist 18 0.15%
92 fråga 18 0.15%
93 vikt 18 0.15%
94 därtill 18 0.15%
95 överstiger 18 0.15%
96 16 18 0.15%
97 äger 18 0.15%
98 över 18 0.15%
99 här 18 0.15%
100 rum 18 0.15%
101 när 17 0.14%
102 förmäles 17 0.14%
103 allmän 17 0.14%
104 ske 17 0.14%
105 registrering 17 0.14%
106 dess 17 0.14%
107 igenkänningsmärke 17 0.14%
108 ovan 17 0.14%
109 kronor 17 0.14%
110 högst 17 0.14%
111 därom 16 0.13%
112 uppgift 16 0.13%
113 tid 16 0.13%
114 minst 15 0.12%
115 vilken 15 0.12%
116 sitt 15 0.12%
117 mellan 15 0.12%
118 jämväl 15 0.12%
119 skada 15 0.12%
120 får 15 0.12%
121 30 15 0.12%
122 vänster 15 0.12%
123 13 15 0.12%
124 11 15 0.12%
125 beträffande 14 0.11%
126 färd 14 0.11%
127 fig 14 0.11%
128 trafiken 14 0.11%
129 50 14 0.11%
130 automobilens 14 0.11%
131 särskilt 14 0.11%
132 följd 14 0.11%
133 12 14 0.11%
134 1916 13 0.11%
135 angående 13 0.11%
136 bestämmelser 13 0.11%
137 ägare 13 0.11%
138 gällande 13 0.11%
139 anledning 13 0.11%
140 stad 13 0.11%
141 finnes 13 0.11%
142 allenast 13 0.11%
143 gäller 13 0.11%
144 meddelade 13 0.11%
145 lämplig 13 0.11%
146 föraren 13 0.11%
147 kilometer 13 0.11%
148 hålla 13 0.11%
149 göra 13 0.11%
150 dels 13 0.11%
151 föreskrifter 12 0.1%
152 större 12 0.1%
153 åligger 12 0.1%
154 detta 12 0.1%
155 24 12 0.1%
156 förbud 12 0.1%
157 18 12 0.1%
158 honom 12 0.1%
159 beskaffenhet 12 0.1%
160 meddelas 12 0.1%
161 föras 12 0.1%
162 meddelat 12 0.1%
163 föreskrivet 11 0.09%
164 automobiler 11 0.09%
165 äro 11 0.09%
166 körning 11 0.09%
167 såsom 11 0.09%
168 erfordras 11 0.09%
169 skett 11 0.09%
170 hava 11 0.09%
171 förordningen 11 0.09%
172 kunna 11 0.09%
173 skadan 11 0.09%
174 20 11 0.09%
175 hastighet 11 0.09%
176 konventionen 11 0.09%

This list excludes punctuation or single-letter words, also some different-case repeats of the same words.

If you think the text would be accessible to you, you can read it on our site (click on the cover to access):

Cover of Kungl. Maj -ts förordningar om automobiltrafik jämte kungl. automobilklubbens trafikreglemente för s ... by

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