Read The Nymph by Rubén Darío in Spanish

In Interlinear, the Spanish text is followed by an English translation below each word or phrase.

How the Interlinear translation method works
How the Interlinear translation method works, vertical display

Interlinear is like subtitles for books…

Explanation of the Interlinear method in two steps
Explanation of the Interlinear method in two steps
More about Interlinear

What is The Nymph about?

The Nymph (La ninfa) is a collection of short stories coming from Rubén Darío's book Azul…, but re-arranged in the order of difficulty. The stories address the larger theme of an individual's struggle against society. The stories are truly modern: they include exoticism and symbolic imagery in a world of fantasy, mythology, mystery and color.

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Nicaraguan prose in Interlinear!

Rubén Darío was a Nicaraguan author of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who was a key initiator of the literary movement called modernismo or Modernism. Darío has left a lasting influence on Hispanophone literature and journalism, and he has been unofficially named the "Prince of Castilian Letters."

How was this Spanish translation made?

Literal but understandable

This Spanish book translates words individually and directly except if such direct translation would prevent understanding. If it would, we prioritize understanding. See this example:

París Paris
es is
teatro theatre
divertido funny
y and
terrible. terrible.

While the word order sounds a bit unnatural in English, we were glad to keep it as it is because this phrase is still perfectly understandable.

But see this phrase:

Soltando Releasing
el the
trapo sail
a to
la the
vena vein
improvisó…[he] improvised…

This would not make much sense if you did not know that this was an expression. Thus we translated it like this.

Soltando el trapo a la vena As loudly as possible
improvisó… [he] improvised…
Translated by Ivonne - Paula Muñiz, translator.

This Interlinear book includes:

  • 86 standard-book pages
  • over 14 thousand translated words and expressions
  • the original text & aligned Interlinear translations
  • a separately available Spanish-only version of the text to get additional practice after having read the text with the Interlinear translation
  • files in the printable or electronically readable PDF format, as well as MOBI and EPUB format files for Kindles and other e-book readers, tablets, and phones - all immediately available to download

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